Spanish Beginners – One Year Subscription

Date(s) - 03/10/2024 - 24/07/2025
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The Hewett Academy

Introduction to Spanish Course Beginners

With Eloisa Echevarne

Term 1: 3rd of October to 28th November

Half term break – 21st – 27th October

Term 2: 16th Jan to 20th March

Half term 17th – 21st Feb

Term 3: 24th April to 19th June

Half term: 2nd – 8th June


This Spanish Year 1 Beginners course is an introduction to the Spanish language and culture. This course will give you the opportunity to speak in Spanish from the very first class, since you will acquire the language as we have learned through our mother-tongue.  In each class you will get to communicate in Spanish and become informed  by practising conversations, watching videos, as well as engaging in role play. You will have the chance to work in groups and individually.

The main aim of this course is to get communicating in Spanish, either orally or in writing, in a dynamic and interactive environment. There will be different ways of approaching all the language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing.

For example, if you like Spanish food, culture and their “fiestas” we will find creative and interactive ways to bring the outside world into the Spanish classroom.



This course gives a grasp of concepts, ideas and basic vocabulary for those students who want to try and learn Spanish as a Foreign Language.


By the end of this course you will be able to…

Content Grammar and Vocabulary Points
… Greet people

… Introduce yourself

… Ask and understand simple questions

… Say where you live and where you are from


Exchanging information questions.

–          Personal pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/as – I, you, he, she, we, you, they)
… Ask for a phone number and say yours

… Count up to 15

… Say and recognise the Spanish alphabet

… Spell your name and surname


Telephone number.


Place of origin and place of living.

–          Gender and number in Spanish nouns (masculine, feminine, singular and plural)

–          Alphabet

–          Numbers up to 15

–          Verb To Be (SER)

… Count up to 99

… Say your age

… Talk about marital status

… Ask and give the time


Marital Status.

The time.

–          Verb To Have (TENER)

–          Verb To Be (ESTAR)

–          Numbers up to 100

–          Articles (el, la, los, las – the, a/an, some)

… Say what you do for living and where you work / study

… Find out more details about someone

We know each other better.

Spanish language in the world.


–          Introduction of Spanish verb conjugation system: verbs ending in AR, ER and IR
… Talk about family and relationships

… Express  and describe possession

… Introduce people

… Make questions (how many)







Family members.

Family relationships.

–          Vocabulary of the Family

–          Demonstratives pronouns (éste, ésta, éstos, éstas – this, that, these and those)

–          Possessive pronouns (mi, mis, tu, tus, su, sus, nuestro/a, nuestros/as, vuestro/a, vuestros/as – my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)

… Describe people’s appearance and character

… Understand more about the verb to be in Spanish





Physical appearance.

Personality and character.

–          Adjectives for appearance.

–          Adjectives for personality and character.

–          Contrast between SER, ESTAR and TENER.

… Talk about types of shops and products

… Ask for items in a supermarket or grocery.

… Ask and talk about weight, quality, colour and sizes

… Describe things

… Understand prices

… Make questions (how much)

In the supermarket.

Numbers up to a million.

–          Irregular verbs (Querer and Poder – To want and To be able to)

–          Vocabulary of the supermarket.

–          High numbers



This course is suitable for those who know some Spanish already and/or have completed the SPANISH BEGINNERS COURSE  


By the end of this course you will be able to…

Content Grammar and Vocabulary Points 

… Talk about types of shops and products

… Ask for items in a supermarket or grocery.

… Ask and talk about weight, quality, colour and sizes

… Describe items

… Understand prices

… Make questions (how much)

In the supermarket – Irregular verbs “Querer and Poder”): to want and to be able to – Vocabulary of supermarket items/measurements (slice, box, kilo, litre, size, a little more, a little less, too big/small, anything else?,)

– High numbers 


… Ask for clothes and shoes in a shop

… Describe clothes and shoes

… Ask and talk about colour, sizes and materials

… Ask if I can try it on

In a clothes’ and shoes’ shop.
  • Vocabulary of the clothes/shoes
  • Colours (revision)  
  • Demonstratives adjectives and pronouns (este, esta, estos, estas, éste, ésta, éstos, éstas – this, that, these and those)
  • Vocabulary: grande/pequeño-big/small…
  • Direct Object Pronouns (lo, la, los, las – it and them)

… Say what there is in your town/city

… Give and ask for directions

… Explain where places are and how do they look like

… Get around the town/city

Descriptions of cities.Amenities in the city.

Locating places.

Give directions and commands. 

  • Verb To be (ESTAR for location)
  • Verb HABER (there is and there are)
  • Adverbs to describe places (cerca/lejos-close/far away)
  • Vocabulary for places in town
  • Imperative verb (giving commands)
  • Prepositions to locate (delante de, detrás de, al lado de… – in front of, opposite of, behind of, next to…)

… Make comparisons

… Ask for a hotel room and its simple requirements (price, number of nights and guests)

Comparing places, prices and purchases as well as physical qualitiesBooking accommodation
  • Comparatives: Más/menos grande/caro que-more/less big/ expensive than,  tan grande come – as big as
  • Vocabulary for 5 types of accommodtion (hotel, guesthouse, yourth hostel, pension, campsite) and 5 common words related to accommodation (hotel, reception, reservation, room number and key)
  • Possesive pronouns (mío/a, míos/as, tuyo/a, tuyos/as, suyo/a, suyos/as… – mine, yours, his, hers…)

… Buy a train / bus / plane ticket and check travel details

… Enquire about departure/arrival times

… Ask about get around by public transport

… Ask about routes

In the train stationTimetables -Question words-Prepositions (a, de, desde,  hasta, en, para, por – to, in, of/from, until, for…)

… Talk about what is happening right now

… Talk about the weather, days of the week, months of the year and dates 

What are you doing? The weather 

Reading/writing a letter 

  • Present Continuous

(estoy cantando-I am singing)

  • Vocabulary of verbs and weather
  • Some irregular verbs

… Say how often you do things

… Describe your daily routine and hobbies

… Describe your weekends.

Daily routine and hobbiesTimetables.
  • Reflexive verbs (levantarse, ducharse, vestirse… – to wake up, to shower, to get dressed…)



… Revision of contents learnt

… Activity with a Song 

… Spanish Culture /traditions and celebrations in Spanish speaking countries

Term three is more practical. We will consolidate the things we have learned through a series of practical exercises:

Week 1:

  • Revision of basic notions of Spanish (grammar, vocabulary and communication).
  • How to express personal preferences (likes/ dislikes), and give personal information.
  • Roles and interaction in social situations.

Week 2- 4:

  • How to talk about facts that happened in the past, with especial focus on Spanish past verb tenses.
  • Use of creative writing as a way of describing images and putting a story together, focusing on vocabulary.
  • Introduction to literature in Spanish speaking countries.

Week 5-6:

  • How to talk about hypothetical situations.
  • How talk about the future, working on Spanish future verb tenses.
  • Introduction to art and the art industry in Spanish speaking countries.

Week 7- 8:

  • How to interact in a working professional environment.
  • How to write emails and letters.
  • Introducton to the different variations of Spanish in Spanish speaking countries.
  • Revision of the course.

About the Tutor


My name is Eloísa and I am a native Spanish teacher living in Norwich. I received my QTS at Kingston University in London in 2005 and since then,  I have been teaching at Secondary and Primary schools, as well as offering private tuition to children, young people and adults of all abilities.  My professional lessons include the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), however, I believe that the most enjoyable competency is the oral one as verbal communication is what fulfils the learners’ desire.  I love the rewarding aspect of the teaching experience and I can help you if you would like to start speaking Spanish, so why not to give it a try! Looking forward to meeting with you





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